Legal Basis of the Raffles

The participants in these promotional actions must know the legal basis because their participation implies their acceptance. If you don´t agree with once or more stablished conditions in the legal basis, we ask you to refrain from participating in the raffles, because the conditions are uniques and the same for all participants.


The raffle is organized by INNOVACARE S.L. with the registered office in Juan Ramón Jiménez 43 St., 28036 Madrid (Spain) with CIF B87757191.


The participation is FREE, the participants only have to fit the bill. The purpose of participating in these promotional actions is to have a chance to win the prize which is specified in the Annex related to the specific Raffle. In no case you could ask for changing the prize for another equivalent or for its economic value.


They can participate in the Raffle the physical people which fulfill the following requeriments:

  • To be older than 16 years old
  • Authorize to the organizing for treat your personal data with the purpose told on the basis
  • Provide your real and complete identify data
  • Fulfill the particular requeriments of the Raffle included in the Annex


INNOVACARE S.L. reserves the right to removes from the raffle any participant who alters, damages in any way or threatens the proper functioning and the normal developement and the Raffle regualation. Likewise, any participant who, intentionally or not, alters or damages the appearence of INNOVACARE, its clients, or the other participants, will be eliminate to the raffle.


The date of the raffle will be specify in the Annex related with the specific raffle. The organizing company reserves the right from change the date when there are sufficient causes that justify it


  • The winner is decide by the random designation among all the registered participants, using the procedure that the organizers select, guaranteeing in all cases the neutrality and the randomness of the winner
  • The result will be notified through the oficial Instagram account of Ohgafas.com and by email or phone call to the winner
  • The winner´s announcement may include personal information (name, surname, place of residence), with the aim of facilitate the identification
  • The organizers are not responsables for the defects produced by introducing wrong contact data by the participant, as well as changes in contact information that have not been notified in order to make the prize delivery
  • The prize is personal and non-transferable, so no claim is allowed from anyone other than the winner
  • The organizers reserve the right to apply all the measures they deem convenient to verify the identity of the winner. If there are doubts based on the identity of the winner or the performance of fraudulent acts related with this, the organizers reserve the right to take away automatically the prize or to suspend precautionary its delivery
  • It will be obligatory to accept and comply the general and specific conditions of each raffle to be the winner of the prize
  • The winner´s announcement will be made in 24-48h (working days) after the end of the raffle. The máximum period for claiming the prize will be 2 working days from this moment


  • The value of the prize depends on each raffle, and it can be found in the Annex of the specific raffle
  • In case of the prize delivery is not possible due to the available stock or any other reason against the will of the organizers, it will be replaced by another similar product with the same or more value
  • The prize will be sent to the winner´s address, costs borne by the organizer


In accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation on data protection, and specifically in Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April, 27th 2016, in relation to physical people protection referring to personal data treatment and the free circulation of this data, each participant, with the acceptance of this legal basis consent that data provided in order to participate in the raffle is incorporated in a file owned by INNOVACARE S.L. with the registered office in Juan Ramón Jiménez 43 St., 28036 Madrid (Spain) with CIF B87757191, to manage your participation in the raffle and to communicate the prize in case you result the winner. Likewise, we inform to the participants that in case they do not give consent for the treatment of the data provided, they will not be able to participate in the raffle.

We inform that your personal and contact data will use for the following purposes:

  • To manage your participation in the raffle
  • To send you the prize if you result the winner

The participants guarantee that the personal data provided are truthful and they are responsible to communicate any change of this data to INNOVACARE S.L. INNOVACARE reserves the right to bar from the raffle all participants who have provided false data. It is recommended to have the maximum diligence in terms of data protection using security tools, not being able to blame INNOVACARE S.L. for subtractions, modifications or loss of illicit data.

However, you can exercise your rights by writing to INNOVACARE S.L. to the following address: Juan Ramón Jiménez 43 St., 28036 Madrid (Spain); or by email to: hola@ohgafas.com. In both cases, you have attach a copy of your D.N.I. or other document which verify your identity.

We will analyzed your request and/or claim to give you an answer and solve the incident as soon as possible. If you still consider that your personal data has not been properly treated, you can submit a claim to the control authority: http://www.agpd.es


The participants, by participating in the raffle, consent to the use, publication and reproduction around the world, without limits, by the organizers, of their images and in any kind of publish, promotion, including Internet or any other channel of any nature, with commercial or informational purposes when these are related with the raffle. In the event that the user information is used with any commercial purpose, different to the publication in the media, such as the websites of the organizers, the user will be informed of the use.


Any act or circumstance related with the raffles (basis, invokes, celebrations,…) are govern by the spanish law. Any claim related to this will be resolved by the courts ant tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain).


INNOVACARE S.L. reserves the right to modificate or cancel, at any time and for forcé majeur, these legal basis and the raffle. For any question about the raffle you can contact with hola@ohgafas.com.


The promotion is not sponsored, managed or associated in no way with Facebook or Instagram, for which the participants exempt them from any responsability for the eventual damages derived from it.


  • The organizers reserve the right to cancel the register of any person who is making inapproppiate use of the raffle, doing fraudulent acts or impairing the other participants and/or the organisers reputation.
  • In the event that fraudulent acts are detected, using mechanisms that contravene the transparency of the raffle, the organizers reserve the right to cancel and event withdraw the prize automatically and without explanation, to all those who have directly or indirectly benefited from this sort of fraudulent activities, and may also practise all civil and criminal actions that correspond
  • In the event the raffle can not go, for detected fraudes, technical mistakes, of any other cause that is not under control of the organizers and that affect to the normal develope or the raffle, the company reserves the right to modify or cancel it, whitout the participants being able to demand any responsability to the organizers
  • The organizers reserve the right to change or add new annexes about the mechanics and the prizes, when these are fair or they are not disadvantages to the participants, and they are communicate properly
  • The organizers exclude any responsability the for damages and prejudices of any nature that may be due to the lack of temporary availability or the continuity with the operation of telecomunication services that prevent the participation from taking effect before the end date of the promotion
  • The organizers will not incur responsability because of the imposibility of locating the winner
  • The organizes are not responsible for errors of transcription or publication of the conditions of this raffle in other media, when they are different from the description in these bases
  • Any claim related with the products and services delivered or rendered to the winner must be addressed directly to the provider of it; the organizers are not responsible for the correct compliance or execution there of
  • The maximum amount of the organizers responsability in relation to this promotion will be equivalent to the amount of the prize



We raffle a WATCH of the POLICE brand valued in 200€ (approximately). Participate buying a sunglass or a prescription glass of Police in www.ohgafas.com, between July 15th and July 31rd, 2019.

The winner will be announced on the official Instagram account of Ohgafas.com on August 1st, 2019 and will be notified by email or phone call. For each purchase you do, you will be part of the raffle. There is no limit of participation per person. The more Police glasses you buy, more chances you have of getting the watch.

To participate in the raffle it is necessary to comply with the requirements specified in the legal bases and buy a Police glasses, between July 15th and July 31rd 2019.

IMPORTANT: To recive the prize it is essential to accept the non-return of the purchased product.


We raffle a PERFUME of the TOM FORD brand. Participate buying a sunglass or a prescription glass of TOM FORD in www.ohgafas.com, between June 15th and June 30rd, 2020.

The winner will be announced on the official Instagram account of Ohgafas.com on July 1st, 2020 and will be notified by email or phone call. For each purchase you do, you will be part of the raffle. There is no limit of participation per person. The more Tom Ford glasses you buy, more chances you have of getting the perfume.

To participate in the raffle it is necessary to comply with the requirements specified in the legal bases and buy a TOM FORD Perfume between June 15th and June 31rd 2020.

IMPORTANT: To recive the prize it is essential to accept the non-return of the purchased product.